从事纤维生物质和环糊精多糖结合研究,以第一或通讯作者在Carbohyd. Polym., Food Chem., Biomaterial.Sci.等知名SCI期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中JCR Q1区论文12篇,并以第一完成人授权发明专利5项。出版学术专著1部,先后主持国家自然科学基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金、中国博士后基金和省博士后基金等纵横项目十余项。
1. 水性汽车涂料配方的解析及优化研究,企业横向课题,2020.10-2022.12,项目负责人,正在进行。
2. 甾体激素类药物分子胶囊的设计与制备,企业横向课题,2020.8-2022.8,项目负责人,正在进行。
3. 林源抗癌成分分子胶囊的设计与制备,企业横向课题,2020.11-2023.12,项目负责人,正在进行。
4. 两步法催化-电解纤维类生物质体系的构建及同时制备氢气和化学品的研究,黑龙江省博士后启动金,2020.5-2023.5,项目负责人,正在进行。
5. 纤维素基功能凝胶笼的构建与应用基础研究(E2018002),黑龙江省自然科学基金,2018.07-2021.07,项目负责人,正在进行。
6. 一种纤维素基自组装水凝胶制备体系的构建与功能化初步研究(51403030), 国家自然科学基金项目, 2015.1-2017.12, 项目负责人,已结题。
7. 生物质基水凝胶笼的构建及功能应用研究(2572017CB23),科学前沿与交叉学科创新基金项目, 2017.3-2020.2,项目负责人,已结题。
8. 桦木醇类化合物超分子微囊制剂的制备及缓控释研究(2012M520696),国家博士后基金项目, 2012.12-2014.6, 项目负责人,已结题。
9. 桦木酸环糊精控释制剂研制(LBH-Z12009) , 黑龙江省博士后基金项目,2013.1-2015.12, 项目负责人,已结题。
10. 桥连环糊精对桦木酸的分子识别及增溶作用研究(DL13EA02), 2013.1-2015.12, 创新团队与重大项目培育资金项目子课题,项目负责人,已结题。
11. 纤维素基自组装药物水凝胶制备与释放基础研究(2572014CB32) ,2014.3-2016.12, 科学前沿与交叉学科创新基金项目, 项目负责人,已结题。
12. 纤维素微球接枝环糊精固定林化天然植物香料新型材料的制备与芳香释放机制研究(DL09AA03) ,2009.11-2011.6, 中央高校研究生自主创新基金项目,项目负责人,已结题。
13. 纤维素基新型无机超分子复合功能材料的制备与应用研究(DL11BB02),2011.6-2013.12, 中央高校青年教师自主创新基金项目,项目负责人,已结题。
14. 新型杨木木粉基生物质复合功能材料的制备与应用基础研究(12523014) ,黑龙江省教育厅项目, 2012.1-2014.12, 项目负责人,已结题。
1. Rongyao Lv, Genrong Li, Shuting Lu, Ting Wang*. Synthesis of multi-functional carbon quantum dots for targeted antitumor therapy. Journal of Fluorescence. 2021, 31:339-348.
2. Henan Wang, Zeyu Li, Shuting Lu, Chunyu Li, Wancheng Zhao, Yuliang Zhao, ShulingYu, Ting Wang*, Tiedong Sun*. Nano micelles of cellulose-graft-poly (L-lactic acid) anchored with epithelial cell adhesion antibody for enhanced drug loading and anti-tumor effect. Materialstoday communications. 2020, 22: 100764.
3. Yuliang Zhao, Ting Wang*, Henan Wang, Shuting Lu, Yifan Wang, Mengyun Zhao, Xilei Lu Bingchi Li. Study on POM assisted electrolysis for hydrogen and ammonia production. Internal Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020, 45:28313-28324.
4. Zeyu Li, Ting Wang*, Liyuan Gu, Henan Wang, Yuliang Zhao, Shuting Lu, Wancheng Zhao and Tiedong Sun*. N-doped carbon dots modified with the epithelial cell adhesion molecule antibody as an imaging agent for HepG2 cells using their ultra-sensitive response to Al3+. Nanotechnology. 2020, 31: 3328-3331.
5. Shuting Lu, Xiaocheng Fan, Henan Wang, Yuliang Zhao, Wancheng Zhao, Mengzhu Li, Rongyao Lv, Ting Wang* and Tiedong Sun*. Synthesis of gelatin-based dual-targeted nanoparticles of betulinic acid for antitumor therapy. ACS Applied Biomaterials. 2020, 3: 3518-3525.
6. Zhenghao Yu, Dr. Yuan Sun, Tiedong Sun*, Ting Wang*. Combined application of nanotechnology and multiple therapies with tumor immune checkpoints. ChemistrySelect. 2020, 5:14943-14954.
7. Xiaocheng Fan, Li Yang, Ting Wang*, Tiedong Sun, Shuting Lu. pH-responsive cellulose-based dual drug-loaded hydrogel for wound dressing. European Polymer Journal. 2019, 121: 109290.
8. Shuting Lu, Liping Liu, Henan Wang, Wancheng Zhao, Zeyu Li, Zheng Qu, Jialu Li, Tiedong Sun,* Ting Wang* and Guangchao Suic. Synthesis of dual functional gallic-acid-based carbon dots for bioimaging and antitumor therapy. Biomaterials Science. 2019, 7:3258-3265.
9. Qing Yan, Lulu Liu, Ting Wang*, Henan Wang. A pH-responsive hydrogel system based on cellulose and dopamine with controlled hydrophobic drug delivery ability and long-term bacteriostatic property. Colloid and Polymer Science. 2019, 297:705-717.
10. Li Yang, Ting Wang*. Preparation of cellulosic drug-loaded hydrogel beads through electrostatic and host–guest interactions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2018, 135:46593(1-11).
11. Zhi Chen, Ting Wang*, Qing Yan. Building a polysaccharide hydrogel capsule delivery system for control release of ibuprofen. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition. 2018, 29: 3309–3324.
12. Zeyu Li, Shuting Lu, Jiaqi Jin, Ting Wang*. Preparation of a new cellulose magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer micro-spheres to extract and analyze the indole-3-acetic acid in plant tissues. Journal of Chromatography B. 2018, 1092: 343-349.
13. Xiaocheng Fan, Ting Wang*, Wenkai Miao. The preparation of pH-sensitive hydrogel based on host-guest and electrostatic interactions and its drug release studies in vitro. Journal of Polymer Research. 2018, 25:215(1-10)
14. Yiou Tao, Yang Han, Ting Wang*. Preparation of ibuprofen polysaccharide hydrogel based on a dual-role cross-linker. General Chemistry. 2018, 4:180002(1-9).
15. Nan Sun, Ting Wang*, Xiufeng Yan. Self-assembled supermolecular hydrogel based on hydroxyethyl cellulose: formation, in vitro release and bacteriostasis application. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017, 172: 49–59.
16. Han, Shuai, Ting Wang*, Li Yang, Bin Li. Building a bio-based hydrogel via electrostatic and host-guest interactions for realizing dual-controlled release mechanism. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2017, 105:377-384.
17. Zhi Chen, Ting Wang*, Xiufeng Yan. Rapid preparation of polysaccharide hydrogel capsule free of organic reagents to control drug release. Materials Letters. 2017, 197:156–159.
18. Nan Sun, Ting Wang*, Xiufeng Yan. Synthesis and investigation of a self-assembled hydrogel based on hydroxyethyl cellulose and its in vitro ibuprofen drug release characteristics. RSC Advances. 2017, 7:9500-9511.
19. Zhi Chen, Ting Wang*, Xiufeng Yan. Synthesis of an elastic β-cyclodextrin hydrogel cage by hydroxyethyl cellulose. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2017, 134(2):443888.
20. Shuai Han, Ting Wang*, Bin Li. Preparation of a hydroxyethyl/TiO2/carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogel cage and its investigation on removing methylene blue. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2017, 134(24):44925.
21. Shuting Lu, Nan Sun, and Ting Wang*. Research on photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange by a β-Cyclodextrin/titanium dioxide composite. General Chemistry. 2017, 3:164-169.
22. Yiou Tao, Yang Han, Shihui Dong, Xiaocheng Fan, Ting Wang*, Xiufeng Yan. Preparation, Solubilization and In vitro Anti-tumour Effect of Water-soluble Betulinic Acid/Oligo(polylvinylamino) Bridged bis(βcyclodextrin)s Complexes. Chemical Science International Journal. 2017, 21: 1-15.
23. Nan Sun,Ting Wang*,Chang Liu. Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic study of wood-flour/β- cyclodextrin/TiO2 hybrid composite. Wood Science and Technology. 2016, 50:1243-1260.
24. 董仕辉,崔铭锦,刘卫,朱迪,杜一博,王霆*. 桦木酸/二乙烯三胺链-β-环糊精包合物的制备及水溶性研究. 林产化学与工业,2016,36(2):30-35.
25. Ting Wang*, Hongyan Si, Bin Li, Characterization of the surface properties of β-CD-CA wood flour polymer by inverse gas chromatography, Wood Science and Technology, 2014, 48(1):195–206.
26. Ting Wang, Bin Li, Li Lin, Preparation, characterization and bacteriostasis of AgNPs coated β-CD grafting cellulose beads, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2013, 169(6): 1811-1821.
27. Ting Wang, Bin Li, Hongyan Si, Preparation of regenerated cellulose bead and its coating with cyclodextrins, Cellulose Chemistry and Technolgoy, 2013, 47(1-2):37-47.
28. Hongyan Si, Ting Wang*, Zuwei Xu. Biosorption of methylene blue from aqueous solutions on β-cyclodextrin grafting wood flour copolymer: kinetic and equilibrium studies. Wood Science and Technology. 2013, 47(6): 1177-1196.
29. Hongyan Si, Bin Li, Ting Wang*, Li Lin, Zuwei Xu. Preparation of cyclodextrin grafting wood flour and investigation of the release characterisitics of eugenol. Wood Science and Technology. 2013, 47(3): 601-613
30. 司红燕,李斌,王霆*,徐祖伟,林立. β-环糊精/木粉接枝共聚物对Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附动力学和热力学研究. 林产化学与工业. 2013,33(2):1-9.
31. Ting Wang, Xiaoling Gao, Jia Tong, Ligang Chen, Determination of formaldehyde in beer based on cloud point extraction using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine as derivative reagent. Food Chemistry, 2012, 131:1577-1582.
32. Ting Wang, Ye Song, Bin Li and Xiaoguang Zhou, Chelating–ultrafiltration treatment of some heavy metal ions in aqueous solutions by crosslinking carboxymethyl modified cornstarch. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2012, 223: 679-686.
33. Ting Wang, Bin Li, Yanchun Feng, Qin gqi Guo, Preparation, quantitive analysis and bacteriostasis of solid state iodine inclusion complex with β-cyclodextrin, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. 2011, 69: 255–262.
34. Ting Wang, Bin Li, Hongyan Si, Li Lin, Li Chen, Release characteristics and antibacterial activity of solid state eugenol/β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2011, 71: 207-213.
35. Ting Wang, Bin Li, Hongyan Si, Li Lin, Investigation on surface activity of cyclodextrins grafting cellulose beads through phenolphthalein probe molecule, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2011, 43: 1532-1538.
36. Ting Wang, Jia Tong, Mingli Sun, Ligang Chen, Fast and selective extraction of chloramphenicol from soil by matrix solid-phase dispersion using molecularly imprinted polymer as dispersant, Journal of Separation Science, 2011, 34: 1886-1892.
37. Ligang Chen, Ting Wang, Jia Tong, Application of derivatized magnetic materials to the separation and the preconcentration of pollutants in watersamples. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 30:1095-1108.
1. 王霆, 牛娜, 周晓光, 陈立钢, 廖丽霞. 仪器分析实验考核改革初探. 广州化工, 2016, 44(20):93-94.
2. 王霆,张锋,李暐,陈立钢,周晓光. 基于不同专业背景的仪器分析教学改革初探. 化学教育, 2014, (2):41-43.
3. 王霆,张锋,陈立钢,李暐,周晓光. 仪器分析实验课程教学的几点探讨, 广州化工, 2013, 41(12): 213-214.
4. 王霆,李暐,陈立钢. 化工专业实践教学体系构建的几点探索. 广州化工, 2012, 40(9): 226-227.
5. 王霆,张锋,陈立钢,周晓光. 仪器分析综合运用及创新能力的培养-浅谈仪器分析实践教学体系的构建. 大学化学. 2011, 26(6): 21-23.
1. 王霆 著.《新型纤维素/环糊精水凝胶体系的构建与性能研究》,东北林业大学出版社,2018.08
2. 王霆, 张锋, 牛娜 主编,《仪器分析实验》,东北林业大学出版社,2017.12
1. 论文《基于不同专业背景的仪器分析教学改革初探》获2019年度“化学教育研究知新奖——优秀论文奖”,排名第一.
2. 2013年度“仪器分析综合运用及创新能力的培养——浅谈仪器分析实践教学体系的构建”获高等林(农)业教育研究成果暨第三届高等林(农)业教育研究优秀论文三等奖,排名第一.
3. 2013年度“研究型分析化学实验教学新模式的构建与实践”黑龙江省教学成果二等奖,排名第四.
4. 2012年度“仪器分析综合运用及创新能力的培养——浅谈仪器分析实践教学体系的构建” 获黑龙江省高等教育学会教学成果二等奖,排名第一.
5. 2012年度“东北林业大学教学新秀”,排名第一.
1. 王霆,韩帅,陈治. 一种纤维素基TiO2/β-CD双网凝胶笼微球及其制备方法和应用. 中国,ZL 201610633578.X.
2. 王霆, 陈治, 韩帅, 孙楠. 一种羟乙基纤维素基环糊精水凝胶的制备方法. 中国,ZL 201610633579.4
3. 王霆, 陈立钢, 李斌, 司红燕, 林立. 制备微球材料的设备及利用其制备纳米银原位负载的β-环糊精接枝纤维素微球材料的方法. 中国,ZL 2011104156617
4. 王霆,董仕辉,阎秀峰,王洋.一种亲水型桦木酸制剂的制备方法. 中国,ZL2014102894704.
5. 王霆,金佳琪,董仕辉,刘畅,孙楠,阎秀峰. 一种吲哚-3-乙酸分子印迹磁性纤维素微球及其制备方法和应用. 中国,ZL2013106259068.